About Us

Welcome to Emanatis, where luxury living finds its ultimate expression. With over a quarter-century of collective experience, the Emanatis team is dedicated to creating exquisite and comfortable homes across the globe. Our journey began with a vision to redefine elegance, comfort, and enduring quality in the world of Greek real estate. From the moment you engage with Emanatis, you become part of a tradition that values excellence above all.  

Our partnerships, including esteemed institutions like Piraeus Bank, have been forged with one goal in mind: to enable individuals to acquire homes that might otherwise be out of reach. We believe in breaking down the barriers that can hinder the purchase of your dream home, providing streamlined financing solutions that ensure your home ownership journey is smooth and stress-free.

Emanatis homes are more than just structures; they are artistic expressions of beauty and architecture that stand the test of time. Crafted with the finest materials and adorned with high-end features, an Emanatis home is a symbol of enduring quality and sophistication. From the moment you acquire one of our homes, you'll witness its value appreciating, making it an investment in generational wealth for you and your family. Our homes become more than just physical structures; they become legacies, cherished by generations to come.

At Emanatis, we believe that our homes are not just places to live; they are the foundation of your family's future. They provide not only a place to call your own but also a source of lasting prosperity.

Our Partners

Contact Us

Office Address

Leoforos Andrea Syggrou 332

Kallithea 17673 Athens


+30 698 014 6442


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